A bunch of Noni fruits with white spots on them, available through iHeartFruitBox.
A bunch of Noni ***Pre Order*** with white spots on them, organically grown.
A bunch of Noni fruits with white spots on them, available through iHeartFruitBox.
A bunch of Noni ***Pre Order*** with white spots on them, organically grown.

Noni ***Pre Order***

Regular price $84.99

Fun Fact: Noni, a small evergreen tree found in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, and even parts of Australia, is more than just a fruit. It’s a holistic wonder, celebrated not for its taste, but for its multitude of health benefits!

Noni, or Morinda citrifolia, might not win any taste tests anytime soon. But when it comes to holistic health benefits, it's in a league of its own. At iHeartFruitBox, we’re honored to present you this unique fruit, sourced responsibly from sustainable farms, ensuring the very essence of its benefits remains intact.

Noni’s appearance is as distinct as its profile: a whitish-yellow fruit, with a pitted surface resembling a small breadfruit or jackfruit. And while its taste and smell have been described as strong and cheese-like, the real magic lies in its therapeutic qualities.

For thousands of years, indigenous cultures have revered Noni for its potential healing properties. Rich in antioxidants, and packed with a variety of potent phytonutrients, it's been traditionally used to support the immune system, improve joint health, and even aid digestion. The fruit’s holistic benefits are so pronounced that it’s often consumed as a juice, extract, or in supplemental forms.

Given its unique nature and high demand for its therapeutic benefits, we recommend ordering your Noni batch soon. Wait times may vary, but the holistic rewards of incorporating Noni into your routine are truly unmatched.

  • Sampler Box contains approximately 1.5-2 pounds.
  • Small Box contains approximately 5-7 pounds.
  • Large Box contains approximately 10-12 pounds.
  • Considering the unique sizes and weights of Noni, we strive to ensure that each box is packed to its fullest potential.
  • Upon placing your order, keep in mind the delivery dates to make sure the fruit's holistic benefits are received at their peak.

Queries? Feel free to browse our Shipping Guide.

Noni Pro Tips

Despite its off-putting taste for many, Noni's holistic benefits shine through when consumed regularly. Often, it's mixed with other juices to mask its strong flavor. Whether you choose to juice it, blend it, or eat it raw, introducing Noni to your health regimen is a step towards holistic well-being.

We ship Noni just before peak ripeness to ensure its optimum therapeutic value when it reaches you. As it ripens, Noni transforms from a green to a more translucent yellow, becoming softer to the touch. The stronger the smell, the riper the fruit. For best results, consume Noni when it's soft, slightly transparent, and emits its characteristic cheese-like odor. Remember, with Noni, it's the health benefits you're after, not necessarily the taste!

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